My First Maid of Honour Experience Ever


It’s another Monday, so, helllloooo. How are you?

The past few days (starting  Friday) have been super intense for me and I find myself seeking solace more than ever in my art. I’m grateful to have a creative outlet for all these feelings and stress.

I left work (Law Reports office) on Friday and travelled down to Ibadan and straight down to my main job, (Dabira Bridals). Saturday morning (6:30am) saw me on my way to Lagos island to buy about 80 yards of various fabrics for a huge family occasion coming up soon. 15 hours later, very irritable and tired, lol,  I’m back home thinking to myself,  “It’s straight to bed, babe. Straaaaaight!” Little did I know….

I finally went to sleep around 2am. Sunday morning was a bit lazy thankfully. Got up around 10am, did chores and I was off my friend’s house, as per Maid of Honour duties. Errands and meeting lots of new people (yay! Things that make me happy these days. I enjoy meeting people on my terms,  lol, rant post for another day), we finally slept at about 12:30am. I snoooooooozed my 4:30am Monday alarm, finally dragged myself up when the alarm wouldn’t go off at 5:30am. Crazy rush of getting iyawo (bride) ready for engagement slated for 8:00am. We made it, barely. While bride was escorted to the venue,  I stayed behind to help sew a friend into her top that refused to zip. That took one hour. I rush to the venue to realise engagement was over. 

*grabs bride’s hand after pictures and rushes into the Pastorium*

Once there, MUA and Hair stylists start working their magic while I straighten out the wedding gown and realise, “OMGGGG, WHO UNPACKED THE PETTICOAT?!!!!!!!!!”. Struggling to stay sane and calm, I get one of the girls to go back home and get the petticoat,  FAST. Lol, drama, drama. I turn around and the hairstylist is letting her creative juices flow against the bride’s wishes. I manage to salvage the situation. 10 minutes to go time, petticoat  arrives. Event coordinator is screaming my name outside, “Folu, what’s going on, you have no time left!”

*helps bride into petticoat, shoves bouquet into her hands, inserts veil, looks at her from head to toes, checking off mental checklist aaaand we’re out the door*

We make it to church 10am on the dot!  Cue processional hymn and the next 3.5 hours are a blur. Omg, I was relieved when church was over cos there was no reception, yep, you read right. But hey, drama just had to find me. The house keys (bride’s parents house) were missing. Eish! Round and round the church we go for 35 minutes till I’m yanked and deposited,  L I T E R A L L Y, in the SUV with the bride and given strict instructions not to leave her under any circumstances.

2 hours later.  I’m fast asleep in her parents’ house. My dad picks me up at 5:00pm. I cook  him some food and  hitch a ride to la-la-land. And now, 4 hours behind schedule,  I finally make my blog post.  (Yay for me😆😝)

*adjusts mental crown*

We’re back to work tomorrow and staring  the huge family occasion in the eye like “I’m almost ready for you!



Illustration of Jennifer Amani of  by Folu Ajayi Illustrations

3 thoughts on “My First Maid of Honour Experience Ever

      1. I wish 😟 altho m just used to it nao nd I’ve found a way of including green tea into my morning ritual, so dat makes me feel better too. Tnx dear.


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